SONGZ Rail Transit Division passed the FAI of Shanghai Alstom M-SH6822 project

On January 22, 2021, the SONGZ Rail Transit Division accepted the first product inspection for the first overhaul project of Shanghai Line 6 of Shanghai Alstom.
At the first meeting, Yinhua Pan, deputy general manager of the rail business department, gave a speech, welcoming the SATCO expert review team to SONGZ for the first inspection, and hoped that the review team would provide more suggestions for improvement, and requested all departments to fully cooperate with the review work.
The audit team conducted the first inspection from two major aspects: the overhaul of FAI documents and the overhaul of the physical quality. The physical quality was mainly carried out in terms of maintenance status, operation process, type test, routine test, and spray test.
During the review process, Huawei Zhong, Minister of Rail Market Department, led the expert group to visit the exhibition hall of the stock company, introduced the company’s development history, main products and market performance, and also visited the test center and the rail enthalpy difference laboratory.

At the final meeting, the audit expert group commented on the FAI audit results, recognized SONGZ’s ability to overhaul the subway frame, and announced that the first piece of inspection passed.

Post time: Jan-28-2021